With so many emotions, intense energies flying high, we have to remember to be the light in the mist of such uncertainty. We as light workers and light seekers must be that certainty for others. This is truly a powerful month to accomplish so much and release so much.
The Sun is in Aquarius until February 18th, Mercury in Aquarius until February 25th, Mars in Aries until March 9th, Venus in Aries until April 2nd, Jupiter in Libra until October 10th, Saturn in Sagittarius until December 20th, Uranus in Aries until May 15th, 2018.
Lots of releasing, healing and love to cover so let's get to it!!!!!
A Full Moon means the sun and the moon are in opposite zodiac signs. The Full Moon is a time of emotional healing, romance, relationships, fertilization and illuminating truth. Under the Full Moon trance is when you take actions towards something you have visualized and desired. By doing such act under the Full Moon, you would be manifesting an idea into a reality, therefore, creating magic! Keep in mind that you must be compassionate with yourself and others during this time because the Full Moon can really bring out the best and worst in everyone. Very intense, emotional and healing energy during a Full Moon.
A Lunar Eclipse is when the shadow of the moon is on the Earth, which happens every six months, when the Sun, Earth and Moon are complete and perfectly aligned. Lunar Eclipses are powerful Full Moons that are meant to change your life. It forces you to make transformations. Lunar Eclipses are also about world news events. You may hear about these events a few days before or after the Eclipse or even a month later when the energy finally leaves. It's important to remain positive during a Lunar Eclipse as these changes are a must. Avoid being reactive towards people or situations. No reaction is the best reaction!
This Snow Moon is going to be a powerful one. This particular Full Moon falls in the sign of Leo making the energy deep when it comes to love. Leos love to be in love and to be loved. Lunar Eclipses highlight matters of the heart in general and since this magical comet is green, this means it's connected to the heart chakra. Without you realizing, this trio combo of Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse and Comet will be bringing you the tools you need to heal and expand your heart. Centuries ago the reason many tribes called this Full Moon a Snow Moon was because it's when the heaviest snow fell down. People had no choice but to stay home, connect with their family, loved ones and truly face their own fears and desires within their soul. This same energy will be shed upon you this weekend and for the remaining of the month. This is the perfect time for you to sit still, listen to your heart and take action accordingly.
Leo is a sign that is all about love, family, work, controlling and personal. Aquarius is a sign that is all about higher thinking, exploring, doesn't like to be controlled, and can be impersonal. The pull between finding balance between the two frequencies will be your challenge this month. The need to explore beyond what is in front of you while still struggling to let go of what has always worked.
When it comes to career and finances, this is a great month to shine! This month will be a manifesting one. Take action towards manifesting your desires. It's all happening in your favor. Believe that!
Relationships will be truly highlighted this month. The relationship you have with yourself, higher power, friends, romance, work, etc. Any form of relationship you have will be questioned and tested. But it's all for your highest purpose. This month is all about healing your heart. It's time to release things that no longer serve you.
Whatever you desired 6 months ago, is being revealed now full circle in order to bring in the final results.
Notice what feelings, situations and desires come up during this Snow Moon. Because the Lunar Eclipse is all about transformations, whatever it is you are now facing will be your challenge to over come in the next 6 months.
This week is also the week of certainty and trust. This Snow Moon will also test your trust and certainty in yourself and in the magic of the universe and the G-D of your choice. It will teach you to trust that there is a cause and effect reaction in life. You will learn that the seed consciousness behind everything is trust and certainty.
Why can't you let go of worries? Because you don't have certainty. It's like when you have a friend telling you not to worry you will get that job you applied for, you automatically feel safe. You start trusting that outcome. You will not worry. You have to start seeing yourself, your inner light as that friend. If you are up at night and can't sleep because of all the bills you have to pay, all the work load ahead of you, your relationship issues, you can't trust your best friend, you are worried your employee is stealing, you are worried your health is declining, all these worries and these movies start playing in your head. It's because you do not have trust and certainty in the light or in the light inside of you.
Why is it when your friend tells you that all is well, you feel good? Because you feel safe! Safety comes from trust and certainty. You don't feel the light? The reason you don't feel the light is because you don't trust the light.
This Snow Moon, Lunar Eclipse and Comet will teach you that when you feel depressed, confused, scared, worried or nervous is because you don't have trust and certainty.
Understand that when you are not happy is because things are not the way you want it to be. And it's okay!
Sometimes what you want is not what you need at this very exact moment.
Trust and certainty create the miracles. This will be a very important lesson you will see highlighted in your life in the next few weeks ahead.
There are three types of certainty and trust. First you have the doubting of cause and effect. Your job is to have to have total certainty and trust in cause and effect. About the law of attraction. What you put out into the world is exactly what you get in return. It's about giving without wanting the recognition. If you help friend A that doesn't mean you need to keep tabs. The law of cause and effect will make sure your good deed is returned but not necessarily coming back from friend A but from friend B or even from another source like a job opportunity you wanted, or winning the lotto or meeting your soulmate. If you trust in the system of cause and effect then you don't need to control the outcome or person.
Second you have the self-doubt. Your insecurities start kicking in. You start creating these insane movies in your head that you are not worthy enough, you don't deserve your desires, you become jealous of your friends and loved ones, you start imagining things that are not real. All because you have lack of certainty in yourself. If you trust the light inside of yourself and have complete certainty, there is no room for self-doubt.
The third type of trust and certainty is doubting the positive final outcome. You have to trust that good will be revealed. When you have no trust, the ego will create movies in your head. Trust and have certainty that no matter what situation you are in now, the final outcome will be a positive one in your favor. But you have to trust and have certainty in the light inside of yourself and the light of God. You have to know and believe that miracles are created when you have trust and certainty.
When you have doubts it's because you are either not trusting the light or you are trusting the ego.
There is no in between. You either have trust and certainty or you are experiencing lack of both.
Remember to have trust and certainty in yourself most importantly!
It's a blessing to be able to see what we need to work on in order to elevate our consciousness to the next level.
During this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo your goal should be to truly see what lessons you need to work on. What or whom do you need to release from your life right now? Why are you experiencing lack of trust and certainty.
Start believing in cause and effect. Have trust and certainty in the light. Do your best to want to be like the light.
Pay attention to the signs that appear around you during this triple magikal time! It's truly a gift to be able to be aware and understand that as lightworkers we are all connected through the power of love.
Allow yourself to feel love, to heal your broken heart, to forgive those that you believe caused you pain, suffering, anger, betrayal, you deserve peace, let it all go. This will free your heart up to truly experience love on a whole different level. If you're single, open yourself up to new love. You deserve to be loved and to give love. Bring down the walls. What's the worst that can happen? You get hurt again? Well those feelings aren't real. The difference between pain and suffering is that suffering is a choice! For my coupled loved ones, letting go of what doesn't serve you will also bring you closer to your current loved one. When we experience transformation, everyone around us feels it and benefits from it.
There you have it my bunnies! A magikal Snow Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo! What a beautiful energy we are experiencing right now. For some it will bring lots of tears and even some physical pain but it's all part of the shedding and transformation process. You need to let it go. For others this will feel like the month of love all over again.
Things will be manifesting for you left and right. Everyone will have the midas touch this month. But you must connect to the trust and certainty in the light. Doubts will only get you a one way ticket to nowhere land! And we don't want that! With Valentine's Day approaching remember to shed love to yourself and everyone around you. If you are single don't stress it, instead use Valentine's Day to ask Saint Valentine to heal your heart and manifest your twin flame in divine timing. As always, remember to give kindness, love and compassion to others. Take time to volunteer at an animal shelter, soup kitchen, donate if you don't have time, and assist those in need of a warm meal and home.
You can truly be the change that is experienced in this world. Be that which you want to see in others.
Wishing you all a fabulous Snow Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse and may you all take a glimpse of that comet!
I hope this blog was of service and may you all manifest love, happiness, kindness, joy, health, healing, miracles and magic in your life!!! It's all about cause and effect baby!!!
I will be in Arizona for the next two weeks. I will be taking clients for energy healing and card readings. Sedona is a magical place to receive high frequency healing. I am already booking up, so if you'd like a distance healing or an in person healing if you are in AZ, email me at [email protected]....
Namaste witches, mermaids, fairies, unicorns, starseeds, angels, hippies, goddesses and gypsies!!!
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
Photo Courtesy: Jessica Galbreth